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What Causes Dog Diarrhea and How to Treat It

What Causes Dog Diarrhea and How to Treat It

Diarrhea is one of the most distressing symptoms for pets owners to see in their dogs. Today, our Visalia vets talk about the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs and the steps you can take to make this messy problem go away as quickly as possible.

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Constipation in Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Constipation in Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Constipation can make your cat feel restless and uncomfortable, on top of it being a serious health concern. Today, our Visalia vets talk about the signs of constipation in cats, its causes, and how it can be treated.

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Why is My Cat Coughing?

Why is My Cat Coughing?

Has your cat's purr turned into a cough? If so, it means they may have something irritating their lungs, throat, or airways. A few of the potential causes can be easy to treat, whereas others are more serious. Today, our Visalia vets discuss the possible causes of coughing in cats. 

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Heimlich Maneuver For Dogs: What To Do If My Dog Is Choking

Heimlich Maneuver For Dogs: What To Do If My Dog Is Choking

The majority of dogs will chew on almost anything from bones and toys to shoes and furniture. Here, our Visalia vets share what you should do in an emergency when something gets stuck in your dog's throat or mouth and they start to choke.

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Help! Why is my cat breathing heavily?

Help! Why is my cat breathing heavily?

When dogs become too hot they often pant to cool down however, this behavior isn't that common in cats and could be a sign of an underlying health problem. Today, our Visalia vets discuss the possible causes of your cat's panting or heavy breathing and when you should take them to an emergency vet.

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Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Urinary Tract Infections in Cats

Even though urinary tract infections (UTIs) aren't as common in cats as they are in dogs, older cats can still develop a range of other issues in their urinary tract with similar symptoms. Here, our Visalia vets discuss urinary tract infections and other diseases cats can develop as well as their causes, symptoms, and the treatments available.

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What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Bitten By Another Dog

What To Do If Your Dog Has Been Bitten By Another Dog

Has your dog been bitten by another dog? Even if it looks minor, bacteria can still grow in the wound and cause infections. In this blog, our Visalia vets discuss the steps you should take if your dog has been bitten by another dog.

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Best Foods for Dogs with Allergies

Best Foods for Dogs with Allergies

It's not common for dogs to develop food allergies however when they do occur it can stressful for both the pup and their owners. In this blog, our Visalia vets share some of the best foods for dogs with allergies.

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Why is my dog constipated? What should I do?

Why is my dog constipated? What should I do?

Did you know that constipation is one of the most common digestive problems in dogs? It doesn't matter what age, breed, size, or lifestyle your dog is, they can get constipated. Today, our Visalia vets discuss the common reasons why your dog could be constipated and what you should do.

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Cats & Colds: Can They Get Them & What To Do?

Cats & Colds: Can They Get Them & What To Do?

Like people, cats can catch colds and develop some of the same symptoms including a runny nose and sneezing. Today, our Visalia vets discuss cat colds including how our kitties can catch them and when you should take your feline friend to see the vet.

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Compassionate Emergency Care for Pets

Tulare-Kings Veterinary Emergency Services is a pet emergency animal hospital providing urgent care to cats and dogs in the Visalia area. Contact us right away if you are experiencing a veterinary emergency.

Contact Call (559) 739-7054